Simone Revue Book Club

Simone // Revista / Revue / Journal presents:

“Simone Revue Book Club”

And invites everyone that has participated in Simone, whether as authors, visual artists and/or translators to join. 
The first session will take place on Saturday, October 21st at 4pm in Lyon (69004).
We will talk about the book by Fatima Ouassak, « La puissance des mères », in the context of Nahel M.'s death at the hands of the police.
The activity will be led by Sarah Ar, franco-algerian feminist activist and literature teacher. Also freelance writer for the Lyon-based magazine Hétéroclite and volunteer activist in festival Écrans Mixtes and SOS homophobie.

As indicated, the only requirement to attend is to have participated in some way in Simone. Simone // Revista / Revue / Journal is a collective project of feminist activism, literary and trilingual. It is also a requirement to have read the book, of course, because it is a conversation, not a class. And ideally speak French, as the conversation will be carried out in that language. 

If you are interested in participating, please send us a message to to reserve you a place, as we have limited spaces. Thank you! See you soon.
Welcome to this collective space for feminist reflection, as Sinéad said: fight the real enemy.

With love.

Simone’s team.

Simone is an independent collective project of feminist activism, literary and trilingual; with over 200 authors, visual artists and translators, and readers from all over the world. Our staff members live in Lyon, Barcelona, Bath, Berlin, Montpellier, Charleville-Mézières, Valencia and Santiago.
If you want to read the numbers, here: